Dune 3D: Open Source 3D Parametric Modeler From the Maker of Horizon EDA

When coming from the world of Autodesk and kin’s proprietary CAD solutions, figuring out which FOSS 3D CAD solution is the right one can be a real chore, as none of them are on the same level. This is what the author of the Horizon EDA software – [Lukas K.] – struggled with as well when he decided to make his own 3D CAD package, called Dune 3D. Per the documentation for Dune 3D, it’s effectively the solver and workflow from SolveSpace, the Open CASCADE geometry kernel and the user interface from Horizon EDA wrapped up into a single package.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://hackaday.com/2024/05/05/dune-3d-open-source-3d-parametric-modeler-from-the-maker-of-horizon-eda/