New Machine Build Compatibility of C5 ballscrew/nut/mounting components from different sources

I am going to be making a new Z axis assembly for my current CNC router, and am currently researching sources for the various linear motion components - I live in Canada.
I have a few Ebay machine parts suppliers whose stores I frequent in hopes of finding appropriately sized C5 ballscrew and nut assemblies - I am looking mainly for NNB and similar, but will consider used.
Some come preassembled with the C5 mounting blocks (i.e., BK/BF end supports) and some do not (I am also looking for linear rails/guides, but my question is more WRT ballscew components).

My main question is...

if I can't find a complete assembly that meets my needs, is there a problem with compatibility/'fit' of C5 components if I purchase them separately and potentially from different sources?

For example, if I buy a NNB THK 1605 C5 ballscrew/nut from an Ebay store, buy a C5 ballscew end support from BSTMotion, and a C5 motor bracket ballscrew housing with angular contact bearings from SYK?
NOTE: the ballscrew supports would all be the correct size version for the diameter ballscrew I end up purchasing.

On a related note, if there are others (Canadian or otherwise) who have had good experiences with various suppliers/sources of components I would appreciate hearing about them.

I am currently looking at Ebay - IndustrialPartsShop, and AliExpress - BTS and DTK stores
Voltatek in Canada has stopped responding to my repeated emails requesting a quote

Thank you,


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